Dear Andre 💐 Happy New Year 🌅🥰 May 2024 be a year full of happiness 🌹 Thank you for your heartwarming and happy comments in the new year 💎 Andre's cool and soothing music I'm looking forward to it too 🌹 Thank you very much ✨🥰 From Miki
Dear Lydia, 💐Happy New Year 🌅I am filled with tender feelings and deep gratitude 🥹I am so glad that you thought of me in Japan 🥰Yesterday, January 1, 2024, at 4 p.m. There was a major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6. Although it was on the Sea of Japan side, there were no secondary disasters and it was only a minor disaster ⛩ There was no impact in the area where I live ☺️ There were about 8 people affected by the earthquake, and a fire broke out in some areas. However, since the damage was within a small area of a fishing village, the damage was light 🍀 ⛩️ Japan is a country where many earthquakes occur, so we always consider disasters 🍀 May 2024 be a year filled with happiness 💎 Best wishes Please ☺️
素敵なメロディーと美しいピアノ演奏。本当に気に入っている。遠慮せずに私を訪ねてください。良いお年をお迎えください。アンドレ 👍
Dear Andre 💐 Happy New Year 🌅🥰 May 2024 be a year full of happiness 🌹 Thank you for your heartwarming and happy comments in the new year 💎 Andre's cool and soothing music I'm looking forward to it too 🌹 Thank you very much ✨🥰 From Miki
こんなに素敵な解釈で一年を始めるなんて、なんて良いアイデアでしょう! なんて素晴らしいパフォーマンスでしょう! それは素晴らしいです ! 明けましておめでとうございます(日本で地震があったそうです、ごめんなさい)LyDia
Dear Lydia, 💐Happy New Year 🌅I am filled with tender feelings and deep gratitude 🥹I am so glad that you thought of me in Japan 🥰Yesterday, January 1, 2024, at 4 p.m. There was a major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6. Although it was on the Sea of Japan side, there were no secondary disasters and it was only a minor disaster ⛩ There was no impact in the area where I live ☺️ There were about 8 people affected by the earthquake, and a fire broke out in some areas. However, since the damage was within a small area of a fishing village, the damage was light 🍀 ⛩️ Japan is a country where many earthquakes occur, so we always consider disasters 🍀 May 2024 be a year filled with happiness 💎 Best wishes Please ☺️
「もしもピアノが弾けたなら FIRSTLOVE PRIDE」